Stay in Your Lane

As Christmas time is coming around, Shaun and I get to see a lot more people that we usually don’t. These are friends, family and acquaintances. One of the things that we have noticed is that we judge other people before even talking to them or we care about things that don’t matter to us.Continue reading “Stay in Your Lane”

Habit Tracker

Have you often thought you are accomplishing a lot? Your day seems so busy and it feels like you get a lot done throughout the day, then you sit down to write out exactly what you accomplished, and realize, it is not very impressive. I recently started using a habit tracker. I decided to useContinue reading “Habit Tracker”


Shaun and I have talked many times about gratification. It doesn’t always have to mean receiving gratification from things, it can also mean appreciating everything around you. One thing that I have heard from many successful individuals is how everyday they write a list of things they are grateful for. I have toyed with thisContinue reading “Gratification”

Mental Toughness Evaluation

If you have been following along in my blogs for the past 5 weeks, I have been talking about mental toughness and breaking it down. After everything I learned, I wanted to see where Shaun and I are for mental toughness. We took this quiz 20 question quiz (since it was free) and got ourContinue reading “Mental Toughness Evaluation”